Dima Al Jundi

Dima Al Jundi x

Dima Al Jundi, a Syrian actress, was born on March 8, 1979.

Biography and life story of celebrity in English.

Basic info wiki card

Name in English: Dima Al Jundi
Name in Arabic: ديمة الجندي
Nationality: Syria
Language: Arabic, Syrian dialect
Religion: Islam
Date of birth: March 8, 1979
Age: 43 years old (in 2022)
Astrological Sign: Pisces
Profession: Actress
Years of activity: 1998 – present
Social status: Married
Husband: Firas Dahni
Sons: Tia

Biography, Life story

Dima Al Jundi - Dima Al Jundi

Dima Al Jundi was born on March 8, 1979. Her artistic debut was in 1998. She participated in many Syrian series and also participated in a number of programs. She is a member of the Syrian Actors Syndicate. She is married to director Firas Dahni and they have a son named Tia.

List of works


A world – a spot of light – mirrors – faience bathroom (parts 4, 5) – spring without flowers – the palace – stories and mysteries – Bab al-Hara (parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) – Sabaya – Sabaya 2 – The Fugitive – Daughters of the Family (2012) The Key (2012) – Purple Leaves (2012).


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Dima Al Jundi - Dima Al Jundi Dima Al Jundi - Dima Al Jundi Dima Al Jundi - Dima Al Jundi Dima Al Jundi - Dima Al Jundi Dima Al Jundi - Dima Al Jundi Dima Al Jundi - Dima Al Jundi Dima Al Jundi - Dima Al Jundi Dima Al Jundi - Dima Al Jundi Dima Al Jundi - Dima Al Jundi