Ihab Amir

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Ihab Amir, Moroccan singer, born 14 May 1995, Morocco.

Biography and life story of celebrity in English.

Basic info wiki card

Name in English: Ihab Amir
Name in Arabic: إيهاب أمير
Nationality: Morocco
Language: Arabic, Moroccan dialect
Religion: Islam
Origin: Safi, Morocco
Date of birth: 14 May 1995
Place of birth: Morocco
Age: 27 years (in 2022)
Astrological Sign: Taurus
Profession: Singer
Genre: Moroccan Songs
Musical instruments: ukulele
Years of activity: 2005 – present
Social status: Single

Biography, Life story

إهاب أمير Ihab Amir

Ihab Amir was born on May 14, 1995, Morocco. He is a Moroccan singer who became famous on the art scene after participating in the 11th season of the Arab Academic Star Program in 2015. He released the song “You Are Intuitive” that same year and it was a great success, and then he released the song “Madrna Walu” in 2016.

إهاب أمير Ihab Amir