Wael Jassar, a Lebanese singer, was born on November 22, 1972.
Biography and life story of celebrity in English.
Basic info wiki card
Name in English: Wael Jassar
Name in Arabic: وائل جسار
Nationality: Lebanon
Language: Arabic, Lebanese dialect
Religion: Islam
Date of birth: November 22, 1972
Age: 49 years old (in 2022)
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
Profession: Singer
Production company: Rolex-N, Arabica Music
Social status: Married
Wife: Mary
Sons: Marilyn, Wael Jr
Biography, Life story
Wael Jassar was born on November 22, 1972. He married his daughter, Miri, and had his eldest daughter, Marilyn, and his son, Wael Junior. He began his artistic career as a young child when he sang at the events and parties of the estate in which he lived, and he was constantly repeating the songs of the giants of Arab singing, including Mrs. Umm Kulthum, the Nightingale Abdel Halim Hafez, and the musician Muhammad Abdel Wahhab. The circle of Wael’s childhood dreams expanded in love and reached the aspirations of fame and stardom.
He took the opportunity to participate in one of the local festivals that was held in the Rayak region in the Beqaa Governorate, Lebanon, and he participated in it and achieved first place. Then he participated in the famous program (the letters are sung), and all those present praised his voice and his vocal capabilities, and they called him (the miracle child), and his name and fame became known. He moved away and stopped singing for a while because of the changes that occurred in his voice due to his transition from childhood to boyhood and then manhood. When he grew up, he returned to the singing scene with his first albums (Mashi), which achieved great success for him, especially his songs (The Nights, The Right On My Eyes, Where Are You From, Hear The Words Of Your Lover, Ah Ya Lail). He chose the musical color for himself and was not influenced by any external factors and did not imitate any of the names in circulation. He does not deny that the Lebanese composer Nicolas Saadeh Nakhla helped him choose this color and gave him a set of distinguished melodies that were his gateway to the hearts of the masses, including songs (Ya Bird, Yabo Qalb, I want you, I want to love you) and other successful songs. Then came the period of his military service, his name dropped dramatically and the publicity about him decreased. However, he was able to defy the circumstances and achieve a presence in the intentional arena when he replayed a group of the songs of the giants of the beautiful time with his voice in three lyrical albums entitled (Sahrat Tarab), and it achieved a distinguished success for him. After the term of his conscription ended, he insisted on completing his singing career, and was able to climb the ladder of real stardom, and released several successful albums. His name has emerged during the past few years, and he was able to establish himself on the Arab singing scene, especially after his beautiful song (The World Taught Me) won first place in all Arab discontent.
List of works – Discography
Like honey – Walking – The world taught me – Patience, my heart – Command the beloved ones – May God keep them safe – Hours say – I walked to salvation – An evening with rapture 1 – An evening with rapture 2 – An evening with rapture 3 – Promise me why – Rubaiyat of God’s love – Hazrat the Beloved – Our Prophet Al Zain – Every minute is personal.